Why, Oh Why Did I Become an Engineer?

Inside an Engineering Career

Playing around with cool stuff for the rest of my life seemed like the way to go, but engineering is mostly paperwork and documentation and engineers move into management at younger ages than football players retire.

How to Be an Engineer

So why do I still love engineering?

I do it because I MUST know how things work and I’m always willing to put more effort into understanding why and how than a reasonable person can comprehend.

So where’s the problem?

Electronic Design Magazine in their 2016 salary (and attitude) survey reports that while electrical engineers got higher pay last year than previous, they also had trouble finding continuing education and jobs continued to be shipped overseas.

After about 5 years as an engineer there is a lot of pressure to go into management.  Basically if an engineer hasn’t kept up on technology, then he or she won’t  be more valuable to the company.  If they share their experience as a manager over many younger engineers who have the latest technology then the company saves money on less expensive engineers and the experience of the engineer is multiplied.


Confession: I did move to management.  I don’t think I was bad at it.  I just didn’t find it interesting because I wanted to DO the work, not just WATCH the work.  My hero is Steve Wozniak.  He has remained an engineer since he helped co-found Apple, but since I didn’t co-found a multi-billion dollar company I needed to increase my value when I moved back into engineering.

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Learn through experience

As an intern and an electronics supply clerk I read data books and application notes in my spare time to add to my schooling.  As a young engineer I used to go to Op Amp Bookstore and  stock up on new text books.  This plan still works.

Now schooling is limited to evening classes that are entry level and online programs that are either full graduate programs (such as UCLA which has a great online graduate program) or non technical.  I recently studied white papers from Texas Instruments and Microchip on USB C Power Delivery, worked with a Bluetooth development kit from Nordic, watched Altium layout and schematic capture webinars, and am starting on Xilinx and Altera educational tools for learning FPGA programming.  Op Amp Bookstore is sadly closed, but Powell’s has a great technical bookstore. Education continues and I get to learn how something new and shiny works!

How do you “Keep Calm and Study On?”

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