How to Hire an Engineer

What do you really want?

Will he or she really be doing engineering? Write down what you expect them to spend time on every day for the next couple months.

Do they need any special education or uncommon skills?  Most engineering (electronics, specifically) is not actually that hard as anyone can make an LED blink.  Specialties such as medical device qualification, high power/high speed switching, or advanced signal processing may require extra experience or training.

How NOT to specify an engineer
Engineer Specification Drawing

What do they know?

Your engineer applicant should take a test or be quizzed on technical proficiency by someone over qualified for the job to make sure they aren’t just quoting buzz words.  I have worked with both degreed and non-degreed engineers and found that the right degree isn’t always a good indicator of ability.

One of my favorite interviews was with a consultant hired specifically to check technical knowledge. This was someone who could challenge me, understood me, and knew the company from an engineering point of view. I have both taken and written tests for specific skills a company needed.  I don’t test for word processor skills even though they appear often on engineering job requirements.

Room for growth

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Engineers love to learn. If you hire an engineer who learns well, you future proof your company and have a happy employee.  If you hire an engineer who already knows everything about the job, you may get a low achiever or someone who will move on.

What was your favorite interview?

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